According to 2/23/12 release from the Commercial Carrier Journal (CCJ), the Federal Highway Administration has granted North Carolina the authority to charge tolls on interstates.

North Carolina is the last of three states, along with Virginia and Missouri, to participate in a program to allow tolling on its interstates.  North Carolina and Virgina are devising plans to toll I-95, where as Missouri is considering tolling I-70.

All three selected states must submit their tolling plans to federal officials.  Each state is hoping to use the toll revenue to pay for construction, road repairs and maintenance, and safety management and improvements.

If the plans are approved, North Carolina would toll all 182 miles of I-95; Virginia would toll I-95 south of Fredericksburg within two years, and Missouri would toll the entire 250 mile stretch of I-70.

For more information on this update, please refer to the CCJ article here.